Monday, July 13, 2009

New Year Resolutions?!?!

I know it is July, but on Sunday I was talking at Godzone about God's Plan and Journeys, and in the afternoon we had a tea for New Wine, where we get together those who are going and give the first timers some useful hints etc. and now I am really excited about going to New Wine and wondering what God has in store for me this year.

All this got me thinking about things I have learnt in the past few years, at New Wine, our Men's Weekends etc. and promises I have made on what I will do, and I realise that so often we come away from these things with good intentions and so often we fall short, much like new year resolutions.

Well for the record, I have succeeded in some areas, my daily bible reading and quite times with God are better than they have been in 35 years!! I'm not saying they are perfect, but I rarely miss my bible reading (jet lag and ill fathers don't help) and actually really look forward to them. Prayer time does vary depending on how much is on my mind, and how far I have to drive! I find times in the car to work great for talking and listening to God.

I have been losing weight (although 3 weeks in the US has set me back a bit), and I have been exercising to get fit.

What is not so good, is God spoke to me about the poor a couple of years ago and I still have a yearning for this, but still can't quite work out what I should be doing. Also Karen and I have tried to have a regular prayer time together, but this is sposmatic and something we both need to work on - watch out Karen!

So what does New Wine have in store for me? I don't know, but on past experience it will be something I am not expecting. I pray that other who are going to New Wine or other conventions will also experience God in a new way and will also take it back into their daily lives to make a difference. I want it to be real, and not just another new year resolution that falls by the wayside.

1 comment:

  1. If you think there have been several times where I have suggested we prayer together about something (usually your dad) I'm more than happy. We just havent set a routine yet
