Wednesday, June 10, 2009

When do I get to eat?

First lab today and it is now 8:45pm and I have yet to eat :-( which may be good for the diet but not for energy. I am still resisting the chocolate though.

I know it is late but it has been a good day. Although there is lots to take in, it is all very good. My only worry is revising it all for the exams each Monday morning and the last Saturday, and I thought I would get Sunday's off :-(

Spoke to Karen earlier in the 5 mins I had at the end of lunch before next session started, which is why I have started this blog as I think it is the only way she will know what I am doing. Update on dad was good to have.

1 comment:

  1. Yey! well done for starting a blog :)
    and well done for running. not eating isn't a good long term plan although I was ill over the weekend and it meant I didn't eat much and it kick started some more weight loss so I wouldn't say it's all bad!

    I'm waiting for Hannah to arrive and then we're going to tackle painting all the walls in the study :D should look lovely for when you get home.

    If you're learning lots then being out there is a good thing, we're supporting each other and it'll be ok :) I do miss you though xxx
